one image is better than thousand words

Bürchen Mystic

APRIL 2013

     We propose the challenge of rethinking about and reconsidering a place for the foreseeable future, a tourist space but local at the same time, characterized by its breathtaking nature. The proposal is focused on experimenting, investigating, innovating, thinking backwards, getting inside the mind of the tourist of the future and suggest through the architecture.

     Something authentic, in dialogue with nature, scared, with natural textures, linked with the origins of humanity, with the origins of society, of community with spiritual feeling. It´s the return to our childhood, happiness, the innocence, the submit of spring, of fall, winter or summer. It´s in summary, the brightness of life when one simply aspires to live without haste, carpe diem.



Meet the Author

Meet the Author


I like design and I feel comfortable working with other people. Always positive and friendly. I follow my own way supported by people who build my world. I love architecture in all scales and I have Knowledge about rehab and energetic designs. I feel well working with specific design software. I can coordinate the programs to get the best results efficiently. I'm prepared and motivated