one image is better than thousand words


This space is dedicated for other publications, or other kind of websites regarding architecture and/or architects

The first work it's about renewal image in Canarias's neighbourhood.

The group is conformed:
Daniel Sanz San-Frutos
Cecilia Martinez Ballesteros

Jorge Hernández García

The next work it's about Industrialize Construction. We design a method to build a removable lab in Nationals Parks in Spain

The group is conformed:
Daniel Sanz San-frutos
Lucía Martinez Salas
Jorge Hernández García

This is a library. Situated in Madrid has 20000 m2. The library tries to be extended in the nearest park.


Jorge Hernánez García



Meet the Author

Meet the Author


I like design and I feel comfortable working with other people. Always positive and friendly. I follow my own way supported by people who build my world. I love architecture in all scales and I have Knowledge about rehab and energetic designs. I feel well working with specific design software. I can coordinate the programs to get the best results efficiently. I'm prepared and motivated